Why Publish Learning Content on YouTube?
January 28, 2019
If going to all the trouble to create learning video content, then can it be exploited beyond the curricumlum? The answer is certainly yes, the question is about when this is of benefit and when of diservice. Wendela Wapenaar realised that some of the UoN Vet School’s video content would be most useful in …
Using Apps in Teaching
January 18, 2019
While life before the smartphone may seem like a distant memory, it is only relatively recently (2016) that mobile web browsing overtook other methods of accessing online resources. Weiqun Wang, Chinese Section Lead and Assistant Professor in Chinese in the Faculty of Arts has recognised the value to her students of the smartphone in their …
Producing a “Policy” Video
October 1, 2018
Healthcare students working toward registration in nursing, midwifery, medicine and other professions are advised to consider their professional conduct from the outset of their studies. However policies and guidance on this topic can be somewhat daunting, especially for new learners. Importantly, the standards within in these documents reflect public expectations of accountability and responsibility for …
A project module in Classics that produces some absolutely fabulous ideas
November 30, 2017
In this video Lynn Fotheringham, Lecturer in Classics, speaks about the Independent Second Year Project, a module for second-year students in the Department of Classics, which has been a flag-ship for the Department’s innovative approach to teaching and assessment for twenty years. The module’s focus is on communicating knowledge of the ancient world outside the …
TTP Conference 2017
September 7, 2017
University of Nottingham’s 2017 TTP Conference gathered staff and representatives from across the organisation to display a broad range of teaching initiatives and research, with particular focus on GS2020 priorities. The cameras were there to capture a flavour of the event. Full length presentations can be accessed here, featuring topics such as: The Student Perspective A …
Charles Crook on Screencasting
Charles Crook talks in this video about using screencasting to give students feedback on their assignments. Giving feedback to students is a very central issue in any University: we need to improve the quality and quantity of feedback. Charles asks: how can we give feedback in a more vivid and useful way than we currently do? …
Jacqui Williams on Flipped Learning
April 4, 2017
In this video, Jacqui Williams talks about her experiences of implementing flipped learning in her teaching. Students had complained of ‘death by PowerPoint’ in the predominantly lecture-based model of teaching, and this led Jacqui to reflect that, traditionally, midwifery was taught using much more active teaching methods, which led to the deeper learning necessary for …
Dr John Turner on personalising learning using QR codes
November 22, 2016
This post sees us with John Turner, who is an assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering. He encountered particular challenges when introducing the concept of material balances to two first year modules, which cover the topic of process engineering and separation process fundamentals. John tells us “I teach this complex topic …
Dr Katherine Martin – recording video tutorials
October 20, 2016
In this post, we talk with Katherine Martin, Assistant Professor in the Business School, about her use of recorded video tutorials. Katherine says “Last year, I became module convenor of a first year financial accounting module with a large cohort of over 500 students. A key skill for the module is for students to be …
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