March 25, 2014, by Kelly Cookson
Invest to Lead with Nottinghamshire Healthcare
The Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship is teaching the Ingenuity Process to 400 Nottinghamshire Healthcare staff as part of their Invest to Lead programme. Invest to Lead is designed in the interests of improving the quality of services, productivity and the patient/service user and carer experience. The programme is for anyone who is in a leadership role or is in a position to influence positive change including clinicians and non-clinicians from all backgrounds and roles.
A facilitator from the Haydn Green Institute writes about their experience of the Invest to Lead session which took place on the 18th March:
This event gave pause for thought about how many different ways the Haydn Green Institute can now deliver the Ingenuity Process. Some courses last only an hour or two, some last a day or two, some are integrated over a whole year.
Last week I was helping with ninety mixed ability 15 years olds in a school in Birmingham who were looking for innovative ways of helping them balance revision and a social life. The week before we were with senior scientists representing household names in the chemical industry trying to deal with the unknown unknowns of decision making regarding tech transfer in pharmaceutical production.
In between we have our own students looking for business ideas. Teaching and mentoring the Entrepreneurship and Business module to our undergraduates is perhaps the busiest – over a hundred students an hour for six hours over five Fridays in the autumn term. Colleagues have taught creative problem solving in China, Malaysia, Singapore and Chile. We have even taught it to visiting business people in Mandarin, using our own students as translators.
And the reason we can do this is that Ingenuity is a relatively straightforward process that, if followed rigorously, brings results for every type of problem, from the small business to the multinational corporation. From the schoolchild to the entrepreneur. The more you put in the more you get out.
The Invest to Lead session was ground breaking in several ways. Four hundred NHS leaders in one room as part of their very busy programme. An hour and a half for us to get around forty tables, each with two or three groups addressing the pressing issues that face the health service. And yet with good will on all sides everyone was on task and exactly where they were supposed to be.
The interesting thing about the sort of problem solving we encourage is that when you get to the bottom of a problem, understanding all the stakeholders and root causes, there are two things you can do. One is to criticise the status quo in a really informed manner. The other is to do something about it. It’s a choice between complaining about the world and changing it. And the real pleasure of working with healthcare professionals like those we met yesterday is that they are committed to the latter, optimistically, with good humour and just the right amount of irreverence to ensure that we will come up with genuinely new ways of bringing value to the service. I’m really looking forward to the next session.
Find out more about the Invest to Lead programme.
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