My name is Olu Amodeni and I am an overly attached mother.
February 5, 2015
Guest blog by Olu Amodeni. It has been three months since I shifted from entrepreneur mode to academic mode. To be honest, it has been hard to switch off the arbitrage behaviour in me. I guess I can argue, as an academic (to be) that I am retailing my knowledge. I wonder what true academics …
Can you learn entrepreneurship?
April 23, 2014
Guest blog by MSc Entrepreneurship student, Daniel Wallis. This blog follows on from Liz Radice’s blog posted on 14th April 2014. When asked about my degree and I respond with “Entrepreneurship”, people are often confused and say “Is that a thing? Can you even learn it? Surely you’re born with it?” or “Oh, so like …
Business schools should be wary of producing MBA ‘heroes’
June 24, 2013
By Paul Kirkham, Nottingham University Business School Producing MBA graduates who aim high and are committed to making a difference is a key function of any business school. What we must be increasingly careful to avoid, however, is the temptation to produce what we might call “heroes”. Ken Kesey, author of One Flew Over the …
Western Business Schools have Crucial Role to Play in China
By Professor Simon Mosey, Nottingham University Business School Every business school in the western world places enormous stock in its global appeal, but how many of them are genuinely catering for the market they probably covet above all others? Latest OECD figures show that in 2010 the number of students studying internationally exceeded 4m for …
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