Me, you and robots can be TEACHERS? (UoN philosophy)

YOU HEARD RIGHT. I just sat in a philosophy lecture at the UON which discussed Andy Fisher and Jonathan Tallant’s paper ‘What It Means to Teach’. According to their paper, anyone can be a teacher even robots. Sounds odd, doesn’t it? Let me explain. Don’t we already know what teaching is? When studying philosophy, it becomes a …

What Does it REALLY Mean to Teach?

LISTEN UP! I want to teach you something… This morning I attended an interesting philosophy lecture all about teaching. Andy Fisher and Jonathan Tallant (lecturers at UoN!) have written a fascinating paper which argues that teaching is ‘judgement-dependent’. This means that it’s up to the student to decide if they’re being taught. They say that …

Teaching, you know what that is….right?

The Joys of Philosophy I made it to my 09:00 lecture yesterday! And that still wasn’t the biggest shock of the day. Once again, I learned that nothing is straightforward when it comes philosophy! The lecture topic appeared simple: ‘What is ‘Teaching’?‘. Oh, how naive. To give a taste of Notts philosophy, I thought I’d …

What is Teaching?: What Really Happens in a Philosophy Lecture at UoN

Hi everyone! I’m Ella, a student at the University of Nottingham studying Philosophy. To demonstrate what you might be able to expect in your philosophy lectures, I’m going to summarise one of my lectures that I had that was on what it means to teach, so you can judge whether you are being taught by …

Are your teachers teaching?

Despite what people may think, in Philosophy we explore many real-world issues – today I had a lecture about what it means to teach. I’m sure you’ve all sat in classes thinking, ‘I’m not learning anything’, but does this mean the teacher wasn’t teaching? With classes like these, the teacher may have a detailed lesson …

Do we need a new concept of teaching? (UoN Philosophy Taster Lecture)

After sitting in a philosophy lecture today, I realised that philosophy makes you question EVERYTHING. Including teaching. Image source We discussed Andy Fisher and Jonathan Tallant’s alternative view of teaching. It was so interesting I decided to write a blog about it!   What is teaching? 1. Learning Teaching is when someone learns, right? Not necessarily! …

How should teaching be defined?

1. Are your teachers really teaching you? I have just been to a philosophy lecture discussing Fisher and Tallant’s paper ‘What does it mean to teach?’  and it’s definitely made me think twice about what ‘teaching’ really is. I’m sure we have all had a lesson when we didn’t learn a single thing (I know, …

The Power Of Teaching Is In Your Hands

Today I attended a super interesting Philosophy lecture here at the Uni of Notts about defining teaching. We discussed a fascinating paper by Fisher and Tallant (lecturers at the Uni no less!) who introduce teaching as judgement-dependent. Don’t fear. I’m here to explain all! 1. The Problem With Teaching ‘What is teaching?’. An important but …

Being ‘rational’ and what you CAN’T expect……

This morning I attended a philosophy lecture on a paper by Laurie Paul, and it was actually worth getting up for! (9ams….the struggle is real) I’ll admit I was still waking up when I first arrived, but the question “Is that rational?” Is one I ask regularly. REAL TALK: Paul’s ideas were interesting, so much …

You haven’t always been making rational decisions. The truth uncovered.

  So I’ve just sat in on a lecture about decision making. According to philosopher Laurie Paul, you can’t always make a rational decision. Say whaaaat? Let me explain why…           You gotta work it out.  Is it a good idea to go to that house party tonight or stay home and …