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Posts by avybm1

Psychedelics: A Transformative Frontier in Therapy

Introduction: When you think of “psychedelics,” you may think of  relaxation or heightened awareness. However, recent research, even studies conducted by the UK Parliament propose that psychedelics could potentially alleviate someone’s depression, anxiety, and PTSD. At the University of Nottingham, Professors L.S Paul,  Egerton, Edwards  experts in the philosophy of mind and metaphysics.  All parties …

Psychedelics: A Transformative Frontier in Therapy

Introduction to psychedelics  When you hear the word psychedelic you might think of hippie culture or spirituality, But recent research, like ones conducted by the UK Parliament, are challenging our preconceptions, suggesting that psychedelics might possibly cure or lessen the symptoms of conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD. The University of Nottingham recently hosted a …