November 2, 2023, by avybm1

Psychedelics: A Transformative Frontier in Therapy

Introduction to psychedelics 

When you hear the word psychedelic you might think of hippie culture or spirituality, But recent research, like ones conducted by the UK Parliament, are challenging our preconceptions, suggesting that psychedelics might possibly cure or lessen the symptoms of conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD. The University of Nottingham recently hosted a discussion with Professors L.S Paul,  Egerton, Edwards  who all have researched and specialised in philosophy of mind and metaphysics. To put it quite simply they all examine the link between our thought processes and possible future decisions. This is known as formal epistemology and is explored in their respective papers below.

One concept that emerged during the conversation was that of a “transformative experience,” as explained by Professor Paul. This is essentially a  change in perspective caused by a life-altering event and this cannot be fully comprehended until experienced. Imagine, prospective parents trying to objectively decide on being parents. How could one person decide when this experience is unique and alien to them? It’s an oxymoronic dilemma for many philosophers.

Can taking psychedelics be considered a transformative experience both epistemically and personally ? 

According to Professor Paul, yes, individuals report experiencing ‘indescribable’ feelings when engaging with psychedelics 

Are medicinal use of Psychedelics transformative?

When micro-dosing with psychedelics, you might not experience the hallucinations associated with these substances. Instead, some individuals report personal changes like new found emotional stability and belief changes For example, a new love and appreciation  for psychedelics which was not admired prior.

The debate becomes more blurred when the concept of informed consent enters the spotlight. This is whether individuals truly have the autonomy to make bodily choices. For example, if a psychiatrist or medical doctor prescribes a psychedelic substance to alleviate anxiety symptoms, full disclosure and patient understanding are legally required for informed consent. Legally all professionals within the healthcare profession  must adhere to ethical considerations but historically examples like the Tuskegee Experiment, display this is not always and will not always be the case.The patient possesses the personal agency to decline, but whether they genuinely feel empowered to assert this is debatable The conversation has left me undecided. But what are your thoughts on the matter?



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