May 2, 2019, by apyeba

Have Teachers Been Teaching

So picture this, it’s a 9am on a Monday morning, you’re in the lecture and the first thing the lecturer asks is “are teachers teaching?”.






Well you know this isn’t going to be a typical lecture.

Learning is Teaching

How can we decide if teaching is taking place? One way of deciding is by depending on if learning is happening then this means that teaching has happened and if not then teaching hasn’t happened.

This could cause some serious problems for actual teachers at period 5 on a Friday, a throwback to dull sciences lessons, where you’re sitting there blank-faced and the only thing you quite remember is the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.






Intention is Teaching

Alternatively, we can decide if teaching has happened with the teacher’s intentions. If the teacher has intended for some learning to take place then teaching has happened, even if any learning hasn’t actually taken place. Meaning anyone can be a teacher…yeah, that’s right even a robot.



Now a world where we have robots as teachers is quite fascinating but does seem a bit…strange.




Any Other Choices?

Good news, you can reject both those things, like Tallant and Fisher did, and decide teaching is totally dependent on what you think, so its judgement-dependent. If you judge that the teacher has met whatever your personal conditions are for teaching, then teaching has happened…simple.

So we’re left to enjoy a world full of robot teachers or frustrated science teachers. Totally up to you.

I’m all for teaching being judgement-dependent, as you get to include all types of different things as teaching, that you’d otherwise have to reject.








The great thing with studying philosophy is that you can disagree with everything and make up your own mind. Remember to drop a comment down below and let me know what you think are you #TeamRoboTeacher, #TeamScienceLesson or #TeamUpToYou?



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