September 24, 2014, by Andrew Gibson

Panel 4: ‘Citizen science’ and new social media (S. Jarvis, N. Lancastle, S. McLain, W. Pearce)

The below video features contributions from Dr Warren Pearce (Research Fellow, University of Nottingham), Neil Lancastle (Neil Lancastle, University of Leicester and ‘Rethinking Economics’), Professor Suzi Jarvis (Innovation Academy, University College Dublin) and Dr Sylvia McLain (Biochemistry, University of Oxford).

The session includes presentations on how different social media communities debate and re-interpret scientific findings, a case study of the IPCC, an introduction to a student-led project to bring greater pluralism into economics teaching, discussion of opportunities and challenges for cross-disciplinary communication, and consideration of how researchers can use social media to promote their work, as well as learn lessons from crowd-sourced scientific research projects.

What do you think? Please use the comment section below to pick up on any points… 

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Posted in 'Citizen science' and new social media