Translation and Modernity: Rethinking the Semantic Shift of “Civil Society” in the Chinese Context
June 5, 2014
By Meixi Zhuang, Studying a PhD in Contemporary Chinese Studies, The University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus. What does it mean to translate Western ideas into the Chinese language on the basis of hypothetical equivalences? What happens in the process of intercultural interpretation and how do translated concepts impact Chinese people’s perception of their own society? …
Building Images: exploring 21st century Sino-African dynamics through cultural exchange and translation
April 9, 2014
By Dr. Xiaoling Zhang, Head of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Associate Professor in Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham. The rapid expansion in Chinese involvement in Africa in the 21st century has been accompanied by conflicting discourses about what that interest means, both for Africa and for the …
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