Watching “Under the Dome” from a Chinese Communication Perspective
March 5, 2015
By Angela Wang Dan, PhD Student from Hong Kong Baptist University. On the last day of February, 2015, former CCTV investigative report anchor, Chai Jing, released a documentary on Chinese air pollution issue which stirred up hot debates. 48 hours after “Under the Dome”, the documentary, delivered online for free, it has received over 30 …
Pollution and Civilisation
December 4, 2013
By Felicity Woolf, Studying an MA in Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. Recently when I looked out of my kitchen window, the view beyond the first few tower blocks was shrouded in thick mist; pollution hung heavy in the air. Yesterday a colleague had questioned our cavalier attitude towards cycling …
Xi’an and the Terracotta Army
November 27, 2013
By Felicity Woolf, Studying an MA in Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. We recently travelled to Xi’an, the old imperial capital, about 1000 kilometres northwest of Shanghai. It is the home of the Terracotta Army – or Bing Ma Yong (soldiers horse clay) in Chinese. Our first impressions of the …
Growing Successful Cities
August 5, 2013
By Vincent Pan, Studying Commerce and Science at the University of New South Wales Australia. In Shanghai, a tour guide joked that the preferred mode of transport of Shanghai citizens were BMWs. That is, they rode Bicycles, they shared Motorcycles or they used their feet and Walked from A to B. For many citizens, these …
How Difficult Is It to Obtain Government Information in China?
July 10, 2013
Dr. Yiyi Lu, Senior Research Fellow at the Beijing-based think tank ChangCe. During the height of the anti-Japan protests in China last year triggered by the Sino-Japanese territorial dispute over Diaoyu/Senkaku islands, a Chinese environmental NGO submitted a request for environmental pollution data to a provincial Environmental Protection Bureau. An official responded by telling the …
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