Cruelty or culture?
June 28, 2014
By Dr. David O’Brien, Assistant Professor, School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, The University of Nottingham Ningbo China. China’s animal right’s activists were on the march this week as opposition continues to grow towards an age-old custom. A small but vocal group of protestors travelled to the city of Yulin, in southern Guangxi to protest the …
Unintended Nostalgia
November 6, 2013
By David Symington, Studying a Masters in Chinese Philosophy at Fudan University. Contemporary China is a place where history seems to race. Cityscapes morphing out of all recognition within three years of when you last visited them and new fads that become ancient rituals before they’ve barely seemed to take hold (only this morning I …
August 21, 2013
By Alexandra Loewen, Studying History at the University of Birmingham UK. Where I am from we have an expression that says, “imitation is the highest form of flattery”. It’s a saying that my mom would tell me when my siblings were copying me to be annoying or when my friends bought the same clothes as …
The leftover women – Find a husband after the age of 27
July 30, 2013
By Stefanie Andermatt, Studying Business Administration at Zurich University of Applied Sciences. Before I came to China I had read an article about unmarried women after the age of 27. I found this problem quite interesting and I was looking forward to see how it is when I am in China. In the University I saw a lot …
Disability in China
June 29, 2013
By Nancy Ng Chai Lian, Second Year Student, MSci Contemporary Chinese Studies, The University of Nottingham UK. In a TV program in China, 中国梦想秀 ‘Chinese Dream Show’ hosted by 周立波 Zhou Libo, I saw an autistic boy who was in his late twenties, bu
The Genius of Gongchandang: A Laowai’s View of the One Child Policy
June 26, 2013
By Dr. Brian J. Hilton, Associate Professor in Accounting at the Nottingham University Business School China. The one child policy is not the most popular part of CCP’s agenda. Much energy is being put into trying to terminate it. In the view of this author this would be a mistake. When first encountered this policy …
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