Zhibo – The New Trend of Live-Streaming
November 4, 2016
By Tony Hong, PhD Candidate from the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, UNNC. I had a strange request asked of me a few days ago while working in my office – “You need to watch this guy! He’s hilarious!” Expecting to see a short humorous video, I was instead treated to some guy attempting to …
Translation and Modernity: Rethinking the Semantic Shift of “Civil Society” in the Chinese Context
June 5, 2014
By Meixi Zhuang, Studying a PhD in Contemporary Chinese Studies, The University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus. What does it mean to translate Western ideas into the Chinese language on the basis of hypothetical equivalences? What happens in the process of intercultural interpretation and how do translated concepts impact Chinese people’s perception of their own society? …
Go forth and multiply?
November 19, 2013
By Dr. David O’Brien, Assistant Professor, School of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. The headline-grabbing decision taken at the recent Third Plenum of the Communist Party of China Central Committee – that the One-Child-Policy is to be significantly relaxed – should come as no surprise. Questions remain however as to …
Unintended Nostalgia
November 6, 2013
By David Symington, Studying a Masters in Chinese Philosophy at Fudan University. Contemporary China is a place where history seems to race. Cityscapes morphing out of all recognition within three years of when you last visited them and new fads that become ancient rituals before they’ve barely seemed to take hold (only this morning I …
Where the Governmental and the Avant-Garde meets
November 1, 2013
By Dr Tianqi (Kiki) Yu, Assistant Professor in Film and Media Studies, The School of International Communications, The University of Nottingham, Ningbo China. If the charm of Berlin lies in the confrontation of different ideologies demonstrated through architecture and the closeness between history and present, the beauty of Shanghai is highlighted through the harmonious mix …
The leftover women – Find a husband after the age of 27
July 30, 2013
By Stefanie Andermatt, Studying Business Administration at Zurich University of Applied Sciences. Before I came to China I had read an article about unmarried women after the age of 27. I found this problem quite interesting and I was looking forward to see how it is when I am in China. In the University I saw a lot …
How Difficult Is It to Obtain Government Information in China?
July 10, 2013
Dr. Yiyi Lu, Senior Research Fellow at the Beijing-based think tank ChangCe. During the height of the anti-Japan protests in China last year triggered by the Sino-Japanese territorial dispute over Diaoyu/Senkaku islands, a Chinese environmental NGO submitted a request for environmental pollution data to a provincial Environmental Protection Bureau. An official responded by telling the …
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