The challenges of being a vegetarian in China

By Rahil Davda, Studying Finance, Accounting and Management at the University of Nottingham UK. Having been a vegetarian since birth, I decided it would be interesting to write a blog on my time in China as a vegetarian. Before coming, I had previously read that China was the founder of Taoism – a religion that …

The leftover women – Find a husband after the age of 27

By Stefanie Andermatt, Studying Business Administration at Zurich University of Applied Sciences. Before I came to China I had read an article about unmarried women after the age of 27. I found this problem quite interesting and I was looking forward to see how it is when I am in China. In the University I saw a lot …

Chinese Connections: Communication and Complexity

By Shipra Khanna, Studying International Media and Communications Studies with Chinese at the University of Nottingham UK. As a student of International Media at the University of Nottingham UK, I have continually been intrigued by China and it’s censorship upon social media and communication. I have always had the opinion that indeed restriction and censorship …

Precarious employment in China through shopping mall employees

By Jennifer Baik, Studying Management at the University of Auchland, New Zealand. I have often heard of China’s extensive human capital in the context of subcontracted factory labour, but to a lesser extent in the service and industry sectors. Based on what I have eye-witnessed, it seems that the service sector is supported by a …

Life in China can be a gamble

By Nancy Ng Chai Lian, Second Year Student, MSci Contemporary Chinese Studies, The University of Nottingham UK. Reading a blog about a comment like this, “When I open my window I can get free smoke and now when I open my tap I can get free pork chop soup”.  This comment is about dead pigs …

The Genius of Gongchandang: A Laowai’s View of the One Child Policy

By Dr. Brian J. Hilton, Associate Professor in Accounting at the Nottingham University Business School China. The one child policy is not the most popular part of CCP’s agenda. Much energy is being put into trying to terminate it. In the view of this author this would be a mistake. When first encountered this policy …