Zhibo – The New Trend of Live-Streaming
November 4, 2016
By Tony Hong, PhD Candidate from the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, UNNC. I had a strange request asked of me a few days ago while working in my office – “You need to watch this guy! He’s hilarious!” Expecting to see a short humorous video, I was instead treated to some guy attempting to …
Are You Happy?
September 4, 2013
By Dr. Xiaoling Zhang, Head of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Associate Professor in Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham. Before the week-long holiday with the traditional Mid-autumn Festival on the 30th of September and National Day on the 1st of October happening together, the state Central China Television …
China’s Elderly – The Old, The Wise and The Burden
August 23, 2013
By Liam Flaine, Studying Finance, Accounting and Management at the University of Nottingham UK. China’s booming commerce industries have caused economic growth levels to soar. In every aspect, China remains a growing superpower. Nevertheless, despite its thriving economical development, ironically it is China’s most durable, legitimate citizens that are inevitably going to restrict further development …
Precarious employment in China through shopping mall employees
July 22, 2013
By Jennifer Baik, Studying Management at the University of Auchland, New Zealand. I have often heard of China’s extensive human capital in the context of subcontracted factory labour, but to a lesser extent in the service and industry sectors. Based on what I have eye-witnessed, it seems that the service sector is supported by a …
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