Reforming China’s Science and Technology System
October 23, 2013
By Dr. Cao Cong, Associate Professor and Reader, at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, The University of Nottingham UK. Despite more money, better trained talent, and sophisticated equipment, China’s domestic innovation system is still underperforming. The root of these problems can be found at the macro, meso, and micro levels of governance of the …
Chinese Connections: Communication and Complexity
July 24, 2013
By Shipra Khanna, Studying International Media and Communications Studies with Chinese at the University of Nottingham UK. As a student of International Media at the University of Nottingham UK, I have continually been intrigued by China and it’s censorship upon social media and communication. I have always had the opinion that indeed restriction and censorship …
How Difficult Is It to Obtain Government Information in China?
July 10, 2013
Dr. Yiyi Lu, Senior Research Fellow at the Beijing-based think tank ChangCe. During the height of the anti-Japan protests in China last year triggered by the Sino-Japanese territorial dispute over Diaoyu/Senkaku islands, a Chinese environmental NGO submitted a request for environmental pollution data to a provincial Environmental Protection Bureau. An official responded by telling the …
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