Another economic milestone but does it actually mean anything?
January 25, 2014
By Dr. David O’Brien, Assistant Professor, School of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. In a matter of weeks China is very likely to surpass the United States and officially become the world’s leading trading nation. According to official figures the value of China’s imports and exports in 2013 reached $4.16 …
Overtaking the UK, chasing the US… in property prices
October 16, 2013
By Dr. Youqing Fan, Assistant Professor, School of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. The slogan ‘Overtaking the UK, chasing the US’ proposed by Chairman Mao in 1958 has now been realized in China. The rapid growth of its economy has enabled China to overtake the UK in terms of Gross …
China: A Country in Transition
July 26, 2013
By Catriona Deery, Studying Geography at the University of Nottingham UK. A country in transition is defined as a nation state that has undergone significant and profound political-economic change over a relatively short period of time. Countries in transition are often scripted as being ‘emerging markets’. They have social impacts including alternative modes of social …
Precarious employment in China through shopping mall employees
July 22, 2013
By Jennifer Baik, Studying Management at the University of Auchland, New Zealand. I have often heard of China’s extensive human capital in the context of subcontracted factory labour, but to a lesser extent in the service and industry sectors. Based on what I have eye-witnessed, it seems that the service sector is supported by a …
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