Love at first sight

By Ismail Sadurdeen Student at Nottingham University Ningbo Summer School From the many options available to choose from I picked the Ningbo Summer School program as it was located in China. I had always wanted to visit the Great Wall from a young age so I thought this would be an excellent opportunity to combine …

A place where everything is held in the okay

By Abigail Aikins-Hawkson, MSci Business and Economy of Contemporary China. Chopsticks simply refuse to fit in my hand as well as a knife and fork does and in between wanting a hot cup of PG tips and needing it, I have come to realise, better yet understand, that comfort zones are comfortable for a reason. …

Reflections on being a student at UNNC

By Felicity Woolf, First Year Part Time Student, MA Contemporary Chinese Studies, The University of Nottingham Ningbo China. It’s exactly 40 years since I started my BA degree at the University of Exeter. Now, I’m enrolled as a part-time student, studying for an MA in Contemporary Chinese Studies. In the first semester I took two …