Pollution and Civilisation
December 4, 2013
By Felicity Woolf, Studying an MA in Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. Recently when I looked out of my kitchen window, the view beyond the first few tower blocks was shrouded in thick mist; pollution hung heavy in the air. Yesterday a colleague had questioned our cavalier attitude towards cycling …
Unintended Nostalgia
November 6, 2013
By David Symington, Studying a Masters in Chinese Philosophy at Fudan University. Contemporary China is a place where history seems to race. Cityscapes morphing out of all recognition within three years of when you last visited them and new fads that become ancient rituals before they’ve barely seemed to take hold (only this morning I …
China and the West – Opposite attracts?
August 10, 2013
By Hans-Christian Mehrens, Studying International Relations at the University of Nottingham UK. Shanghai… Food Market… One song on my mind: “I’m a legal alien. I’m an Englishman in Shanghai!” Indisputably, we as Europeans are as much of an attraction to the local Chinese population as it is the other way round. Everywhere we went, pictures …
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