Chinese Frustrations: My Rightist Mobility, My Leftist Hypocrisy
November 20, 2015
By Flair Donglai Shi, World Literatures in English (MSt) at University of Oxford. (Caution: the words “rightist” and “leftist” are used in the vaguest/broadest sense possible in this article, which is full of generalising languages and assuming discourses that the reader is welcome to deconstruct) My British dustbin is my best friend. It always sits …
A Moving Display
October 29, 2015
By David O’Brien, Assistant Professor School of the Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham Ningbo. As President Xi Jinping received the warmest of warm royal welcomes in Britain some eyebrows were raised back in Beijing when a 800 year document limiting the power of the British monarch was quietly moved. The Magna Carta, …