Disability in China

By Nancy Ng Chai Lian, Second Year Student, MSci Contemporary Chinese Studies, The University of Nottingham UK. In a TV program in China, 中国梦想秀  ‘Chinese Dream Show’ hosted by 周立波 Zhou Libo, I saw an autistic boy who was in his late twenties, bu

The Genius of Gongchandang: A Laowai’s View of the One Child Policy

By Dr. Brian J. Hilton, Associate Professor in Accounting at the Nottingham University Business School China. The one child policy is not the most popular part of CCP’s agenda. Much energy is being put into trying to terminate it. In the view of this author this would be a mistake. When first encountered this policy …

Is China Ready for a China-style World Order?

By Dr. Xiaoling Zhang, Head of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. Associate Professor in Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham. Scholars and observers of China alike have noticed that with an increased sense of confidence, pride and ambition derived from its growing economic power, China is shifting away from …

Life in China can be fun-filled

By Nancy Ng Chai Lian, Second Year Student, MSci Contemporary Chinese Studies, The University of Nottingham UK. Someone said if you want your children to experience the high flyers’ lifestyle then send them to New York. At the same time if you want them to experience the tough and rough then send them to New …

Reflections on being a student at UNNC

By Felicity Woolf, First Year Part Time Student, MA Contemporary Chinese Studies, The University of Nottingham Ningbo China. It’s exactly 40 years since I started my BA degree at the University of Exeter. Now, I’m enrolled as a part-time student, studying for an MA in Contemporary Chinese Studies. In the first semester I took two …

Soft Power Success

By Tony Hong, First Year PhD Student in Contemporary Chinese Studies. The University of Nottingham Ningbo China. It used to be said among the students of Contemporary Chinese Studies that once you have read one book or article on the “Rise of China”, you have read them all. In fact we would all do our …

Watches and cuckoo clocks – the tick-tock of China-Europe relations

By Professor Stephen L. Morgan, Dean of Social Sciences at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Professor of Chinese Economic History at the University of Nottingham. What is it about Europeans and Chinese? Or rather, what’s rattling each of their cages at present? Trade relations has been at the heart of some pretty heavy words …

Ni hao Miao People!

By Klara Habartova, Second Year Student, BA Contemporary Chinese Studies, The University of Nottingham UK. 你们好 Miao people! As a little prize for successfully (hopefully) passing my exams, I decided to go for another short trip. There was a plac

Social support from university students in China: Reflections on a charitable workshop at UNNC

By Dr. Bin Wu, Senior Research Fellow, China Policy Institute, The University of Nottingham UK. The establishment and development of social support networks are crucial for China to remove the barriers against the integration of rural migrant workers and their family members into urban communities. In this process, perhaps, how to mobilise and organise millions …

Why China?

By Professor Stephen L. Morgan, Dean of Social Sciences at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. Professor of Chinese Economic History at the University of Nottingham. ‘Why China?’ is a question many have been asked over the years. For today’s student or business person the answer might seem glaringly obvious: China is now the second-largest …