Author Post Archive

Posts by David Daley

Introducing the “in my shoes” campaign at the annual CANDAL conference

The annual conference for the Centre for ADHD and Neurodevelopmental Disorders across the Lifespan was held Friday 5th of February 2016 at the Institute of Mental Health, University of Nottingham.  The theme of this year’s conference was enhancing understand of ADHD. Due to the kind support of Shire the audience were introduced to their ‘in …

Our Future Leaders

One of the many remits of CANDAL is to train future leaders in Mental Health and Neurodevelopmental  Research. We were were very proud therefore at the recent Nottingham Graduation ceremony to graduate two CANDAL PhD students.   Dr Bethan Davies  PhD thesis was focused on the Development of an online intervention to increase mental health literacy …

CANDAL is helping to support the development of a new play for children about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Professor David Daley and the CANDAL team are currently acting as scientific advisors to Wendy Harris, Artistic Director of tutti frutti productions a highly successful, Arts Council England funded l Leeds-based charity producing new theatre for children and family audiences. The new show that CANDAL is advising on is currently in script development and is …

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Greater clarity about the evidence for non-pharmacological interventions for ADHD

For several years some CANDAL members have been working with the European ADHD Guidelines Group on a series of meta-analysis exploring the evidence base for non-pharmacological interventions for ADHD. The first review Songua-barke et al (2013) published in the American Journal of Psychiatry showed a very clear pattern of results across three psychological interventions ( …

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