Blog of blogs

This may seem a little ironic – a blog about the visibility of EDI blogs – but it is topical and might prompt you, the reader, to consider broader issues of EDI visibility, messaging ennui, and input overload amongst University staff. First things first – This blog (and several others on EDI topics) are at …

So – What’s with all the rainbows on campus?

Everybody loves rainbows right? Many of us have multiple photos of rainbows in our real or virtual photo albums (probably alongside a few sunsets and some empty beaches). Rainbows are quite literally the most colourful things that we can see – and have been a symbol for hope, optimism, change and connectivity throughout history. Almost …

Experiences of being a student with a disability in the School of Biosciences

We are currently well into ‘Disability December’ and current Biosciences students Beth Titchiner and Heather Carpenter have shared their experiences of studying in the School of Biosciences: Tell us a bit about yourselves Beth: I am studying Microbiology, and I have been here for a year and a half. Heather: I am also studying Microbiology …

Stronger together – students with a disability / invisible disabilities.

Have you noticed Sunflower Lanyards ‘growing’ in supermarkets or other public places near you? The UoN Studentlife Blog explains this wearable meme, one that may be particularly relevant at this busy time of year: What are these Sunflower Lanyards Also reproduced here from the student blog, and just as relevant to many staff: If anything above …

Celebrating success of The STEM Belle

Doreen Anene is a PhD student at the School of Bioscience, University of Nottingham under the supervision of Dr Cormac O’Shea. She is currently a visiting scholar at the Poultry Research Foundation within the University of Sydney. In 2017, she became a Fellow of the Schlumberger Faculty for the future Foundation, an organization that provides …

Reflections on 20 years of supporting international students

For over 20 years, it has been my great privilege to have supported students from all over the world in my role as part-time International Chaplain at the Sutton Bonington campus. As a Christian I believe that each person is precious, unique and has value in God’s sight. I have walked with many, irrespective of …

The Black, Asian or minority ethnic (BAME) Attainment Gap: learning from the student experience

“The Black, Asian or minority ethnic (BAME)Attainment Gap: learning from the student experience” School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) University of London, June 2019 On 5thJune 2019 I attended the Universities UK (UUK)/National Union of Students (NUS) BAMEAttainment Gap conference at SOAS University of London, encouragingly along with 3 other University of Nottingham colleagues: …

Teaching- an EDI perspective

I offered to review the University of Nottingham Annual Teaching and Learning Conference in May from an equality and diversity perspective. Teaching is a large part of what we do in Biosciences and involves a large proportion of our stakeholders, taught students.  The Teaching and Learning Conference provides a welcome opportunity to stop, reflect on …

Spotlight on Professor Debbie Sparkes

What was your career pathway leading to your current role? After completing my PhD here at Sutton Bonington with Prof Keith Scott, I was appointed as Lecturer in Agronomy in 1995 on a 4 year contract. This was funded by Keith’s external work with ADAS (an independent provider of agricultural and environmental research and consultancy)and was …

A new year of Biosciences EDI activity

2019 is well under way and I have been reflecting on where we are going as a School in relation to addressing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) issues in our community. A couple of people have said to me in the last couple of weeks that it is time that we stopped just talking about …