Experiences of being a student with a disability in the School of Biosciences

We are currently well into ‘Disability December’ and current Biosciences students Beth Titchiner and Heather Carpenter have shared their experiences of studying in the School of Biosciences: Tell us a bit about yourselves Beth: I am studying Microbiology, and I have been here for a year and a half. Heather: I am also studying Microbiology …

Stronger together – students with a disability / invisible disabilities.

Have you noticed Sunflower Lanyards ‘growing’ in supermarkets or other public places near you? The UoN Studentlife Blog explains this wearable meme, one that may be particularly relevant at this busy time of year: What are these Sunflower Lanyards Also reproduced here from the student blog, and just as relevant to many staff: If anything above …