Macbeth (Filter) @ Liverpool Everyman
February 22, 2015
Filter is one of my favourite theatre companies, whether for its wonderfully anarchic Shakespeare productions or for its thought-provoking new writing, so it is with no small regret that I have to confess to disappointment at Macbeth. The raw materials of Filter’s work – an exposed production of sound, musicians at the heart of action, …
Twelfth Night (Filter) @ Curve, Leicester
September 16, 2013
This is a repost of a review written for Exeunt Magazine and is therefore not in usual Bardathon format. This production has been reviewed twice previously on The Bardathon, in its 2006 and 2008 iterations. Filter’s reinterpretation of Twelfth Night as rock gig is almost seven years old, dated from its first public outing in …
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Filter) @ Curve, Leicester
November 3, 2011
Writing about web page Filter’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream marks the company’s second foray into Shakespeare, following its sublime and irreverent Twelfth Night. The company specialise in a form of deconstructed theatre, treating performances as “gigs” where all the machinery of performance – instruments, sound boxes, stage management, cast – are on stage throughout, …
Three Sisters (Filter) @ Warwick Arts Centre
February 27, 2010
While I’m not going to give a review of this excellent production (go see it), as it’s outside the remit of this blog, I do just have to flag up an in-joke that had me in hysterics. As the travelling players arrived at the sisters’ house, only to be turned away, they could be heard …
Twelfth Night (Filter) @ The Courtyard Theatre
November 8, 2008
Writing about web page As part of the original Complete Works ‘Bardathon’, I was one of the few people lucky enough to catch the earliest days of Filter Theatre’s production of Twelfth Night, when it was still just a work-in-progress being tested out in the tiny Cube space. The finished version has been touring …
Twelfth Night (Filter) @ The Cube
November 3, 2006
While there have been a couple of work-in-progress events by the RSC so far (‘The Rape Of Lucrece’ and ‘The Two Noble Kinsmen’), tonight’s performance of ‘Twelfth Night’ was the first visiting company to be presenting their work in an unfinished format. This was directed by Sean Holmes, but as far from his flat ‘Julius …
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