Much Ado About Nothing (dir. Joss Whedon) @ Shakespeare Association of America conference, Toronto
March 30, 2013
Joss Whedon introduced a special advance preview screening of his new movie of Much Ado about Nothing last night (alas, via pre-recorded video) with a tribute to the teachers and professors who had instilled him with a love of Shakespeare. In allowing the Shakespeare Association of America annual conference in Toronto to get an early …
Britgrad 2012
April 23, 2012
Writing about web page I don’t normally repost non-performance related material up here, but I’m always happy to make an exception in the case of Britgrad, the annual postgraduate Shakespeare conference at the Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon, which has been a very good friend to me over the last five years. I’m now ineligible …
Bond (Taiwan BangZi Opera) @ The Hyatt Regency, Bellevue
April 11, 2011
You’ll notice that Bellevue is off my normal reviewing route. While attending the annual meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America just outside Seattle this week, I took the opportunity to catch a special performance by the extremely prestigious Taiwan Banzi Opera Company of Bond, its retelling of The Merchant of Venice. The scheduling of …
The Tragedy of Hoffman @ Magdalen College, Oxford
September 26, 2010
Writing about Hoffman Symposium, Magdalen College, Oxford from The Shakespeare apocrypha Seeing a rehearsed reading mounted by an academic society for an academic conference allows for some bizarre moments. One image from Elisabeth Dutton’s The Tragedy of Hoffman will stay with me for a long time, as it featured some of the academics whose work …
Hamlet at Elsinore
February 1, 2010
There’s so much early modern drama going on in the next few months that I’m having to be pretty ruthless with myself about what I’m allowing myself to go to. I’ll be focussing on personal favourites, locals and rare plays: so, plenty of room for the National’s Women Beware Women, the RSC’s Lear, the Globe’s Henry VIII and …
Reviewing Shakespearian Theatre conference @ The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
September 14, 2009
I normally discuss academic conferences over on my PhD blog, but the unique theme of this particular conference – and its implications for my work – means it merits inclusion within the Bardathon’s remit. Seeing as it’s been very quiet here on the reviewing front (very few new openings in my area, and I’ve been …
Reviewing Shakespearean Theatre conference
August 19, 2009
Writing about web page On September 5th-6th, I’ll be taking part in the Reviewing Shakespearean Theatre Conference in Stratford-upon-Avon. My favourite kind of conference, this will bring together academics and practitioners in the field from around the world, and hopefully provoke some extremely interesting discussion on the art of reviewing. My paper is one …
The British Shakespeare Association Conference
September 3, 2007
The what? Well, for the last six months I’ve been kept very busy co-organising the British Shakespeare Association’s 3rd conference, which was held at Warwick Uni this weekend. I’m somewhat knackered, but wanted to write a little bit about some of the stuff that came out of the conference, as it’s not entirely irrelevant to …
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