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A quiet moment of reflection

It’s the summer holidays! And there’s a bit of a gap until my next plays, so thought I’d do a quick summary of what’s been going on so far. In descending order, these are the plays I’ve enjoyed the most: ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ by Dash Arts ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ by the RSC ‘Twelfth …

Free tickets!

JUNE 27TH 2006 (backdated) One of the big excitements this year is the opening of a new theatre in Stratford, the Courtyard. This is going to replace the main house for a couple of years while they refurbish it, and should be a pretty exciting venue, with thrust stage and an intimate feel in a …

News update

Having a few days off, so thought I’d update with a couple of things I’ve found out. Trevor Nunn and Ian McKellen are going to be doing a production of Chekov’s ‘The Seagull’ alongside their ‘King Lear’ at the close of the Festival, so that’s something to look forward to. A bit sad though, as …

The Duck and the Swan

My girlfriend finished her exams today, so to celebrate I took her for dinner at the Dirty Duck, a pub which is as big a part of the Complete Works in my opinion as any of the plays. It’s a pub opposite the Swan Theatre that serves gorgeous food, good wine and is beautifully decorated …

Work privileges

I work at Warwick Arts Centre in Coventry, which has an ongoing relationship with the company Cheek By Jowl– we show their two current productions each year, one in Russian as part of the Chekov International Drama Festival, the other in English. A couple of weeks ago we had their production of Middleton’s ‘The Changeling’, …

Seeing Shakespeare Solo; or, Famous People Sell Shows

APRIL 12TH 2006 (backdated) One problem with seeing fifty plays in one year is finding people to go with you! I’ve had to get organised very quickly, and I have tickets for performances as late as March 2007, and naturally most people don’t have the luxury of planning that far ahead. So, I’ve had to …

The Grand Plan

APRIL 1ST 2006 (backdated) Welcome to The Bardathon, the running account of one student’s attempt to see every single production in the Royal Shakespeare Company’s mammoth Complete Works Festival! My name’s Pete, and the Festival is happening right in the middle of my two year part–time MA in English Literature, so I’m basing my dissertation …