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The Returns Game

Last night was the biggest hurdle in the goal to see The Complete Works. ‘The Phoenix And The Turtle’, a one-off event, had sold out before priority booking even opened. With tickets strictly limited to 200, based on the capacity of Holy Trinity Church where the main event was happening, there were no day tickets …

The Cube

A quick post before my next review- The Cube is now open! The Cube is a pretty impressive sight to anyone familiar with the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. The space itself is built right up to the proscenium arch, and juts out right over the main body of the stalls. Surrounded by four walls- with the …


The next ‘new’ thing in the Complete Works festival is the start of the Responses. These are new plays, reflecting Shakespeare’s plays in new settings and texts to reflect new concerns. I’m quite excited about these. While the traditional productions are great, I’m always excited to see how Shakespeare is translated into new forms. One …

A moment of excitement

Words cannot express how excited I am about this production….. Coming soon- Hallowe’en!

Top Ten Performances

Just as some fun before I go to sleep, thinking about my favourite ten individual performances of the festival so far. In order, then, that I saw them in….. Harriet Walter as Cleopatra There’s always something wonderful about seeing one of the genuine greats, and Harriet Walter gave an absolutely rivetting performance as the Egyptian …

A rant about public transport

Sigh I’ve had a terrible night. I was meant to be seeing ‘Love’s Labour’s Lost’ tonight, along with a pre–show talk by the director beforehand. Instead, this happened. You would have thought that English public transport would be equipped to deal with bad weather, but no. A combination of intense rain, flooding, a lightning strike …


As terribly cheesy and fairytale as this sounds, I just found out that Morven Christie and Rupert Evans, currently playing the star-crossed title characters in ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and also falling in love in ‘King John’ as Blanche and The Dauphin, have actually fallen in love in real life as well, and are now an …

Edward III and Sir Thomas More

There’s one thing about the Complete Works that disappoints me a bit, and that’s the lack of two plays: ‘Sir Thomas More’ and ‘Edward III‘. Who? Well, they’re part of what some people call Shakespeare’s ‘apocrypha’, the plays which there’s still debate about whether he actually wrote or not. There are several plays which people …

A nice link

One more thought from yesterday’s ‘1 Henry VI’ There was one point when the elderly Mortimer was reminiscing with Richard of York, and telling him about the old days when the Percys took up arms in his cause and tried to put him on the throne. What made this a really nice moment for me …

Theatre etiquette– is it rude to read?

MAY 22ND 2006 (backdated) One thing I’d like to quickly talk about is my bewilderment at some people’s attitude to theatre–going. Specifically, why go to see a play if you’re not going to watch it? This was prompted by yesterday’s performance, where one chap– sat in the best seats in the house, I should add– …