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New Globe season

By sheer chance, I popped onto the Shakespeare’s Globesite this afternoon and found that this press release went up yesterday announcing the new season. The more I know about the Globe, the more I look forward to the work. Anyway, here’s the basics if clicking a link is too hard. Season title: Young Hearts Excellent, a …

Mirren and Brand

Writing about web page http://www.guardian.co.uk/stage/theatreblog/2008/oct/06/russell.brand.tempest.helen.mirren I can get on board with Russell Brand playing Trinculo in a new film version of The Tempest. In many ways I think he might actually be a revelation in the role, though equally he might unbalance the film. Still, one to keep an eye on. But who is Helen …

Oh sweet Lord…


Gnomeo and Juliet

I’ve just been accused of snobbery for being dismayed at this news article. To summarise, briefly. A new CGI musical spoof of Romeo and Juliet. Titled : Gnomeo and Juliet. Starring James McAvoy as a gnome. The film being primarily a vehicle for the music of Elton John. * * * * Snob I may be. …

King Lear : The Movie

Any new film version of a Shakespeare play is always welcome, but this announcement from the Guardian sounds particularly interesting: The Oscar-winning actor Anthony Hopkins is to play King Lear in a new film version of the Shakespeare tragedy, it was confirmed today. The film will feature Gwyneth Paltrow, Naomi Watts and Keira Knightley as …

Antony Sher and John Kani in The Tempest

Hugely exciting press release from the RSC today! For those who don’t have time to follow links, the RSC are collaborating with the Baxter Theatre company on a new production of The Tempest starring Anthony Sher as Prospero and John Kani as Caliban. It’s opening at the Baxter’s home in South Africa then transferring to …

Love to hate

Have you ever had a production you’ve enjoyed completely ruined for you by talking to other people about it afterwards? There was a Guardian blog some time ago which first got me asking that question, and it’s kinda happened again today. I quite enjoyed the RSC’s new Shrew (not without a great many reservations, I hasten …

Blogging away the soul

I spent a while today reading, with some fascination, a series of incidents flagged up by Chris Wilkinson on his Noises Off blog over at the Guardian. The story is of the playwright David Eldridge, who has announced that he is quitting blogging for various reasons outlined on his blog, and the debate on an earlier …

Press Gazette

A few weeks ago I contributed to an article about the role of blogging in arts journalism for a newspaper called Press Gazette. The article came out this week, and can be found at this link I am really glad that the blog’s leading to things like this, and I hope there will be more …

The End Result

Today I submitted my MA dissertation. This is of particular interest to this blog as, as my longest serving readers will know, this blog only came about because of my dissertation. Let me take you back, if you will, to March 2006. As the RSC’s Complete Works Festival rolled up and I started choosing which …