Radio Shakespeare: Twelfth Night (BBC Drama on 3)
April 29, 2012
Writing about web page I listened last night to the BBC’s new radio production of Twelfth Night, starring David Tennant, Ron Cook, Naomi Frederick and a host of other fantastic actors. I’m not going to offer a review, as I can’t claim to particularly like or enjoy radio drama. It did, however, force me …
Britgrad 2012
April 23, 2012
Writing about web page I don’t normally repost non-performance related material up here, but I’m always happy to make an exception in the case of Britgrad, the annual postgraduate Shakespeare conference at the Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon, which has been a very good friend to me over the last five years. I’m now ineligible …
U–Venas no Adonisi (Venus and Adonis) (Isango Ensemble) @ Shakespeare’s Globe
April 22, 2012
Writing about web page!future-productions The tagline for the ‘Globe to Globe’ Festival reads “37 Plays, 37 Languages”; a tagline which excludes the Isango Ensemble’s U-Venas no Adonisi, the thirty-eighth ‘play’ (a dramatised version of Shakespeare’s poem) spoken in not one but six different languages: IsiZulu, IsiXhosa, SeSotho, Setswana, Afrikaans and South African English. This …
The Alchemist (Let Them Call it Mischief) @ The White Bear, London
April 12, 2012
Writing about web page As previously noted, despite the fact I teach the specialist Jonson module at Nottingham, I’ve never yet seen any of his plays in performance. Happily, the ongoing mission of London’s White Bear Theatre pub to promote the wider early modern canon couldn’t avoid Jonson for too long, and last night …
A King and No King (Willing Suspension) @ Boston University Student Theatre
April 7, 2012
The annual Shakespeare Association of America conference is in Boston this year, a city I’ve never been to but which is thoroughly stunning, and a great backdrop to some very stimulating papers. Being in Boston also gave me the opportunity to see in person the Boston University students of Willing Suspension, a young theatre company …
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