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Richard II in Chicago

Writing about web page http://www.shakespeareprojectchicago.org/ If any readers are based in the Chicago area, you might like to sample the free Richard II that’s being performed at The Newberry Library, The Wilmette Public Library and the Highland Park Public Library on October 22nd and 23rd. Here’s a blurb: The Shakespeare Project of Chicago is a …

Shakespeare on Film: An Encyclopedia by Marcus Pitcaithly

Writing about web page http://www.amazon.co.uk/Shakespeare-Film-Encyclopedia-Marcus-Pitcaithly/dp/0955686423/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1316959824&sr=8-3 In a year when Shakespearean film is very much back in the mainstream, Marcus Pitcaithly’s new volume, Shakespeare on Film: An Encyclopedia is especially timely. Pitcaithly’s assiduous volume is the most comprehensive survey of Shakespearean film yet undertaken. Running from Beerbohm Tree’s 1889 King John to Marianne Elliott’s 2009 All’s …

Othello (Sheffield Theatres) @ The Crucible

Writing about web page http://www.sheffieldtheatres.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=whatson.production&ProductionID=1152 I’m not usually an advocate of celebrity casting. I didn’t see any of the star-name Shakespeares of the summer: Kevin Spacey in Richard III, Ralph Fiennes in The Tempest, or David Tennant and Catherine Tate in Much Ado about Nothing. However, I’m too big a fan of The Wire to …

The Tempest (Antic Disposition) @ Middle Temple Hall

Writing about web page http://www.anticdisposition.co.uk/productions/tempest/thetempest.htm I submitted my PhD on Wednesday after a very intense period of having my head down, during which I’ve not been looking ahead and organising theatre visits or review tickets. It was a delight, therefore, to have the chance to attend Antic Disposition’s current production of The Tempest during a …

A Woman Killed with Kindness (National) @ The Lyttleton Theatre

The safety curtain went up on my first-ever Heywood production on Saturday, and for the first time in many years I was dumbstruck by the beauty of a set. Lizzie Clachan and Vicki Mortimer had created two Edwardian houses, connecting imperfectly in the centre, realised in lavish detail. In the Frankfords’ house, a large balcony …

The Summoning of Everyman (Shakespeare Institute Players) @ Holy Trinity Church

Everyman is a genuinely powerful text. Whether you’re religious or not, this anonymous medieval morality play gets to the absolute nub of the big questions. What can we take with us? What is the point of life? And at the end of it all, are we ultimately alone? The Shakespeare Institute Players made a virtue …

A Midsummer Night’s Dream (RSC) @ The Royal Shakespeare Theatre

Writing about web page http://www.rsc.org.uk/whats-on/dream/ It is traditional to frame the main action of A Midsummer Night’s Dream within a particularly threatening Athens, allowing the comedy to stand in contrast to the formality and danger of the court. Nancy Meckler’s new production for the RSC was no exception. Theseus (Jo Stone-Fewings) was a London mob …

The Globe Mysteries @ Shakespeare’s Globe

Writing about web page http://www.shakespearesglobe.com/theatre/on-stage/the-globe-mysteries The Bardathon is going medieval on its readers this week. On Friday I’ll be seeing Everyman performed over Shakespeare’s grave in Holy Trinity Church, and this afternoon, on a whim, I took a break from referencing in the British Library to catch the Globe’s new production of Tony Harrison’s Mysteries …

Something to get excited about

Cheek by Jowl are doing ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore. This is a very good thing. http://www.thestage.co.uk/news/newsstory.php/33195/cheek-by-jowl-to-stage-tis-pity-shes-a

The Two Noble Kinsmen (Just Enough) @ The Dell, Stratford–upon–Avon

Writing about web page http://justenoughtheatre.wordpress.com/the-two-noble-kinsmen/ Another landmark! A little over five years ago, I saw an excellent rehearsed reading of The Two Noble Kinsmen at the Swan. Since then, I’ve been waiting for a chance to see a full production. It’s the last of the plays in the universally-accepted thirty-eight that I’d not seen a …