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Richard III (RSC) @ The Courtyard Theatre

It’s impossible not to notice that, throughout all the publicity material, posters, press shots, reviews and everything else surrounding the fourth installment in Michael Boyd’s history cycle, there is only one face leering out. Despite the emphasis that this company has placed on ensemble playing, despite the universal praise for the all-round excellence of the …

An anecdote

Seeing the small crowd waiting outside Stage Door after ‘Merry Wives: The Musical’ at the weekend, hoping that Judi Dench or Simon Callow would stop and sign autographs, I was reminded of a night back in August. I was sitting in the front row in Holy Trinity Church, waiting for AandBC’s ‘Henry VIII’ to start. …

Days of Significance (RSC) @ The Swan Theatre

Welcome to 2007! We’re in the final stretch of the Complete Works now, down to the last twelve productions, plus a few repeat viewings. Still a little way to go before I break out the champagne though….. Yesterday’s production was the fourth of the main response plays, a major new commission by Roy Williams called …