Why China won’t back off the South China Sea – whatever the world might say

Written by Jing Cheng. A much-anticipated ruling on the South China Sea dispute initiated against China by the Philippines finally came down – and unsurprisingly, the Hague-based international tribunal that judged it ruled in favour of the Philippines, rejecting China’s claims of historical rights to the sea’s resources. The Philippines welcomed the ruling, and celebrated …

Impressions of Identity in Myanmar

Written by Carlotta Panchetti. I let two weeks pass before putting some thoughts on (digital) paper to elaborate on my 3 weeks in Myanmar. Due to the country’s size (it is in fact the fourth biggest country in the world) and the difficulties in transportation, I only had the chance to scratch its surface, spending …

Controlling the Media in Japan

Written by Griseldis Kirsch. “Freedom of assembly and association as well as speech, press and all other forms of expression are guaranteed. No censorship shall be maintained, nor shall the secrecy of any means of communication be violated.” (Article 21, Constitution of Japan) In spite of this clear embracement of Freedom of Press, Japanese politicians, …