Alternatives, advice and… an A*? – Gabriel’s story

For me, thoughts of going into Clearing began after exams. I began to assess my degree choice and whether it was suited to what I wanted to do after university – I’d firmed and insured two different institutions, doing chemical engineering at both. In the period after exams, I had more time on my hands …

When plan B pays off – Honor’s story

In the run up to results day I was anxious, but I was also very good at pushing that worry to the back of my mind. I knew there was a high possibility that I hadn’t gotten the grades I needed … yet I did my best to ignore everything about results day and almost …

Plan for every outcome – Emma’s story

I’d never heard of Clearing or Adjustment before I went through it myself. I hadn’t got very good grades at AS and was planning on taking a gap year, as I thought my A2s would go the same way. I hadn’t applied to any universities, but my school made me write a personal statement as …

The new plan A – Honor’s tips for Clearing

Finding out you haven’t got the grades you wanted is hard, but sometimes pushing through and going ahead with plan B can be even harder. When I found myself studying biology instead of medicine, it took me a while to come to terms with my new path. But, after finishing my first year, I think …