April 27, 2016, by Anne S

Vet School offer holders Twitter Q+A

Our School of Veterinary Medicine and Science held a Twitter Q+A to answer questions from offer holders. Vanessa Williamson from Admissions, Dr Liz Mossop from staff and 4th year students Amy Stamp, Jess Warren and James Copland tweeted about student life at Sutton Bonington campus. Here’s a summary of the chat. 

As Vet students, what are some of your highlights?

  • Practicals, getting involved with the Vets Society, the annual SB Cake Off and SB Fest!
  • We have a great relationship with all the staff, they’re all approachable and friendly.
  • The style of teaching means you get hands on experience from the start and the lectures and practicals are bang up to date with current research.
  • The community on Sutton Bonington campus is fantastic.

Did you come to Vet school knowing what type of vet you wanted to be?

  • I had an idea but always kept an open mind.
  • Still don’t know, going into final year shortly…

What was your favourite Extra Mural Studies (EMS) placement?

I fell in love with dairy farming at a fantastic farm in Huddersfield, and farming in general during lambing in Northern Ireland.

Do we need to have the TB vaccination from our doctor or can we get it at the start of year?

Ideally you need to get it before you arrive, but there are opportunities when you get here too.

Does our laptop come with all the software we need? What make and model is it?

  • Our Teaching and Learning admin team will get your laptop ready to go, it will have all the software you need.
  • All laptops are new, details of make/model will be in your Freshers’ pack.

What clothes/uniform do we need to buy?

  • All of the tunics, boiler suits, scrubs etc. are available to buy from the Vet School online store, details will be in your packs.
  • Some items are compulsory but there are also polo shirts and gilets available too.

Which events are an absolute MUST to attend?

The Summer Ball, dining-ins, SB Fest (run by the SB Music Society), Vet Revue (always hilarious), the Dean’s Cocktail party and the SB Cake Off.

Is it still easy to get involved with sport even though Sutton Bonington is 20 mins away from University Park?

  • Yes definitely, I travelled to UP several times a week on the Hopper Bus in first year for the tennis team.
  • There are lots of sports based at SB too – we have our own Sports Centre and societies for most sports.

Are lectures recorded so you can go back over them?

  • Yes – handy if your notes are occasionally cryptic.
  • Lectures are also usually interactive, so being in the room helps a lot.

How do you take notes in lectures?

  • A lot of students use OneNote, there’s a session in week 1 to explain how to use it.
  • You’ll figure out what style suits you – pen and paper, screen grabs, annotated slides.
  • Information and resources from lectures are uploaded to the University Moodle space, this will help you with your notes.

What happens during Freshers’ week?

If you have any more questions about studying to be a Vet here you can Tweet the School @NottinghamVets or get in touch by email veterinary-enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk. You can also read Amy’s blog about her studies and our student blogs about life on Sutton Bonington

Posted in Offer holdersStudying hereUniversity life