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English Showcase Blog

This week I had the pleasure of attending The English Showcase which featured an impressive array of work from our students – and, in one instance, a former student who has gone on to publish a novel she began on the MA course. Clare Harvey’s novel, The Gunner Girl, was released last November, with a …

The Nottingham Advantage Award: An Inside Snapshot

This blog post was written by final year student, Una Kunhya, from the School of English. When I first arrived at Nottingham, the University heavily promoted the Nottingham Advantage Award. Initially, I had no idea what it entailed and it just seemed like a lot of extra work. However, since completing the Award I can definitely say …

Love Reading? Get Involved in the UoN Read On Get On Campaign!

This blog post was written by final year student, Katie Randall, from the School of English. There are many opportunities available as an English student at the University of Nottingham, one of which is the option to take part in the Nottingham Advantage Award. Although the Award is open to all students at the university and …

D. H. Lawrence and Work

This blog post was written by Dr Andrew Harrison, Assistant Professor in English Literature, from the School of English. On Wednesday 13 January 2016 I participated in a pre-show discussion at the National Theatre on the topic of ‘D. H. Lawrence and Work’. The event was scheduled to accompany its current production of Husbands and …

Why Root For the Underdog?

This blog post was written by English and Hispanic student, Sally Hirst. We, as an audience, always seem to root for the underdog. We cheer on those who are more likely to fail. We want the dorky teenage boy (like Brian in The Breakfast Club) to get the girl of his dreams, the hapless klutz …

Are you a friend of Ron Carter?

I am eating delicious but unidentifiable sashimi, and looking out at the inside of the dormant caldera of a volcano. There is grass growing on the cold lava rock, and it feels like I am on top of a Bond villain’s lair. This is Kyushu, in Japan, and I’m here representing the university, a million …

Notes from research leave: close encounters with the book

I’m currently on research leave completing a couple of projects. One of these is a new, student-focused edition of Doctor Faustus, and my leave allows me time to visit the archives necessary for editorial work. We’re fortunate at Nottingham to have access to Early English Books Online (EEBO), a database containing thousands of scanned early …

Five Places on Campus to Read with a View

This blog post was written by final year American Studies and English student, Radhika Chond, from the School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies. Hiya everyone, welcome back from your Christmas Break! Now as the January chill starts to set in and frost lingers in the air, hinting snow but demanding coffee to keep warm, the …

King Canute’s Roots in Mirkwood

This blog was written by Professor Judith Jesch in anticipation of the Fell-Benedikz Lecture taking place 29 January 2016. King Canute is today best known for the apocryphal story in which he demonstrates to his courtiers that he cannot hold back the tide. But more significantly, a thousand years ago this year, he became the …

Book Launch: Postcolonial Traumas and Discrepant Parallels

This blog post was written by Dr Abigail Ward on the launch of her edited book Postcolonial Traumas: Memory, Narrative, Resistance. The last week of term saw the double launch at Blackwell’s bookshop of Dr Abigail Ward’s edited collection Postcolonial Traumas and Discrepant Parallels by Dr Gillian Roberts (School of American and Canadian Studies). Postcolonial …