December 3, 2019, by brzrae1

Sport membership, clubs and activities for students starting in April

Students joining us in April will be able to purchase a UoN Sport membership from 1 March 2020 onwards. For an annual membership the early bird price will be £209 and will be available through to April 12th 2020 at which point the price will rise to £229.

This membership entitles students to access the sports facilities at Sutton Bonington, University Park and Jubilee Campuses which includes fitness suites, group exercise classes and a swimming pool. Students can also hire squash courts, badminton courts, basketball and volleyball courts at no extra cost. As a member you can also register for free to access the BUCS UNIversal membership which gives you access to 77 university sports facilities nationwide – great for when you are back home with family, travelling or on placement elsewhere.

Clubs and activities for April starters

To make sure we can provide an exciting programme of sport and physical activity support for the April intake, and the wider Sutton Bonington student community, we’re recruiting a Sports Development Officer. They will work collaboratively with the University’s Department of Sport, the Students’ Union and the veterinary school.

The Sports Development Officer will facilitate student sport, including coordinating social, intra-mural and external sport opportunities, working with the wider UoN sport team to ensure a pathway is provided for those students who wish to join UoN sports clubs. They will map the sporting experience both internally and across the campuses as well as forging relationships with local community clubs.


Samantha Bell-Minogue – Assistant Director of Sport

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