December 3, 2019, by brzrae1

Curriculum update – Veterinary Medicine and Surgery BVM BVS with BVMed Sci

The first year of the revised dual intake curriculum for our Veterinary Medicine and Surgery BVM BVS with BVMed Sci is well underway. There has been an overall reduction in the length of the first year by two weeks to improve timetabling for both cohorts, so we have been able to make some changes.

This has involved streamlining the old curriculum to avoid any repetition, merging of modules and introduction of some new methods of delivery.

Two new modules

We have merged four modules from the old year one curriculum, to make two systems-based modules: Neuromuscular System, and Circulation and Respiration Systems. This has enabled us to remove areas of repetition in teaching.

Consolidation week

We realise the new course has two long terms. We have therefore added one consolidation week to each term. These have timetabled activities to enable students to catch up on their studies, apply learning to clinical scenarios and enhance their practical and clinical skills.

Veterinary Professional Skills

This is an essential part of veterinary education. We have overhauled our professional skills teaching within a new Veterinary Professional Skills module. The content relates to clinical practice and brings together learning from other modules, as well as including clinical skill development, clinical decision making and communication skills. We realise university study can be challenging and have also included sessions on personal wellbeing.

Delivery is repeated to each 1/3 of the cohort in three two-week blocks. This enables small-group work and more hands-on practical experience. When students are not in teaching they can complete Animal Husbandry Extra Mural Studies (AHEMS) during this time.

New resources

We have produced a variety of online resources for Animal Health and Welfare to reduce lecture time, and maintain the practical teaching of animal handling.

The detailed planning for the year two curriculum is nearly complete and we are excited about the plans for years three to five.


Dr Kate Cobb – Teaching, Learning and Assessment Sub-Dean

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