Reciprocity: learning from the international experience.

Video >> Chris Ennew, NUBS: “I think the reciprocity thing operates at a number of different levels, so we could talk about a very macro institutional level, that as an institution, we get to learn a lot more about some of the challenges of operating in different environments, and in turn, we offer insights into …

Involving qualified professionals in lab-based practicals

Video >> Video playing: “The equipment you will need is clippers, swabs, antisceptic scrub and surgical spirit, methods of restraining the horse, clean sterile bottles of local anaesthetic, sterile needles, and sterile syringes. Nerve blocks involve the injection of local anaesthetics…” Sarah: “We have some people who volunteer to come along and some people that we …

Learning communication skills from groupwork in practical sessions

Video >> Video playing: “You should always clip before performing an ultrasound examination. Air and dirt trapped within the animal’s coat will interfere with the transmission of ultrasound and prevent you obtaining diagnostic images.” Sarah: “They work in groups through quite a lot of the practicals so a number of the skills that they have …

Assessing the learning impact of electronic revision aids

Derek Irvine, Deborah Kays, Darren Walsh: Background: “Traditionally, weekly small group tutorial/example classes are used within the School of Chemistry / Faculty of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) to enhance student understanding of material delivered during lectures. By relating exam performance to tutorial attendance, both departments recognize that these sessions are highly beneficial to students’ learning. The …

Video overviews of specialist software for students new to biological databases

Sally Chappell, Paddy Tighe: “One of the modules I convene on the MSc in Immunology and Allergy is a bio-informatics module where we want the students to get familiar with a lot of online resources. We use a lot of software that’s really quite complex, so anything that we can do to remind them of …

Brenda Smith on assessment and feedback

Video >> Brenda Smith: “In terms of the aims for the session, I really have three, and that’s to emphasise assessment for learning rather than of learning. “The second aim is really to engage the active engagement of students in the whole process of assessment and feedback, and that’s from the sort of the very …

Video demonstrations of common laboratory techniques address student diversity and limited lab time

Sally Chappell and Paddy Tighe: “When people start the MSc in Molecular Diagnostics they come with quite varied levels of experience. Some of our students have been working in industry or a related area for maybe a year or two years, so they’re quite comfortable with lab techniques, whilst others come straight from a degree …

Gina Wisker on supervising students

Video >> Gina Wisker:  “I think about supervision as a form of teaching and teaching doesn’t mean thrusting things down people’s throats, it means bringing things out of people. Helping them develop. Enabling. And research at any level is, undergraduate, postgraduate, work based or whatever, it’s a form of learning, so when I’m supervising students …

Chris Rust on assessment and feedback

Video >> Chris Rust: “You don’t need to go to the literature and spend much time to find how important assessment is considered regarding learning and teaching in higher education. It probably took me five minutes to find these quotes, and there are many more saying the same thing. It is at the centre of …

Effective demonstration of bench practical skills to large laboratory classes using an integrated system of visualisers, screens and SMARTboard

Colin Melia: “In these labs, we teach our students how to make different types of medicines including liquid medicines, creams, ointments, powders and suppositories. The students learn skills that they’ll have to use when they work in a hospital pharmacy manufacturing unit, a ‘specials’ medicines lab or anywhere where individual medicines have to be made …