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Local charities rehome University furniture

The University’s Estates Office is being transformed into a Professional Services Hub to promote hybrid working. As part of this, Business Support Manager Rob Severn has been helping local charities make use of the surplus office furniture and preventing as much as possible from going to landfill.                  …

A plastic poem

Samuel Hicklin is Duty Manager at the David Ross Sports Village on University Park. For Plastic Free July, Sam has written a poem on plastic usage and the impact it has on our environment. Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – …

No Mow May – Biodiversity at the University of Nottingham

Our University campuses encourage biodiversity all year round, but during May, Nottingham has been taking part in #NoMowMay. The loss of flower meadows in the UK over the past 90 years has led to a steep decline in bees and other pollinating insects. Gardens and green spaces have subsequently become an increasingly important habitat, especially …

Take action for Earth Day

22 April 2021 is the 51st Earth Day, an event which began in 1970 and quickly became the birth of the environmental movement. With a focus on education and activism, Earth Day has grown and now mobilises 1 billion people worldwide to drive positive action for the planet. There are events happening all across the …

The Blue-Green approach to urban water management

Today is International Women’s Day so we are taking the opportunity to highlight some of the work of UoN women who are leading the way to a more sustainable future. IWD is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Emily O’Donnell is a Research Fellow in Urban Flood Resilience …

Don’t ‘waste’ the opportunity to reduce your food waste

As part of Sustainability Action Week and Food Waste Action Week, PhD student Hannah Ford delves into our fridges to find out why so much food is wasted in UK households each year. By becoming more sustainable in our shopping and consumption habits we can help reduce food wastage and the environmental impact of food …

Lockdown learning – Sustainability in Business Management

When the first lockdown started in March 2020, Capital Projects Manager Jonathan Leeding took the opportunity to expand his sustainability knowledge with an 8-week online course. Exercising the mind It might seem a lifetime ago, but March 2020 was a time of great uncertainty. Initially the novelty of zoom and quizzes kept us all entertained …

Transforming University waste back into resources

Enva is the waste contractor partner for the East Midland’s University’s Waste Consortium (EMUWC), made up of the University of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Loughborough University, and the University of Leicester. Enva recently released their first Sustainability Report, setting out their commitment and addressing the major challenges the country, and the sector, still face. Robyn …

Reducing the University’s carbon emissions

At the end of 2020 we were pleased to announce that the University had achieved significant reductions in energy use and carbon emissions over the last 10 years. In 2019/20 alone, our scope 1 (mainly gas and other fuels) and scope 2 (purchased electricity) carbon dioxide emissions reduced by 10% or 4,386 tonnes from 2018/19. Overall, there has been a …

How to reduce food waste, with a Christmas theme

In the second of our sustainable Christmas themed blogs, Juliet Lawrence from the UoN Sustainability Society tells us how and why we should be trying to reduce our food waste throughout December, and beyond. Everyone is starting to think about Christmas now as the end of term is approaching! So here are some tips on …