What does a Graduate Envrionment Assistant at UoN do?

Tina Darlami joined the university’s sustainability team in August 2023 for a year long placement. She reflects on her time and the opportunities it provided. After graduating from the University of Nottingham, I was considering what I’d like to do for my career. I was always interested in sustainability and the environment, especially with my …

Take part in the Sustainability Challenge

I’m excited to share my journey from participating in the 2023 Sustainability Challenge to my current role as a graduate environmental assistant within the sustainability team at the University of Nottingham. This transformative experience not only shaped my perspective on sustainability but also opened doors to exciting opportunities. The Sustainability Challenge spread over three weeks …

The STEM Belle – women and girls can be elegant in stilettos and confident in steel toes

Doreen Onyinye Anene is a final year Animal Science PhD researcher at the School of Biosciences. When she’s not investigating the performance variables of hens and their associations with the quality and safety of their eggs, she’s a dedicated representative for women in science from low-income communities and underrepresented groups. Doreen is Founder/ Program Director …

Career profile: Tim Gale

The latest in our series of career profiles features Tim Gale, who studies MEng Chemical Engineering at the University of Nottingham and is currently out on a placement year. What is your role, how long have you been in it and where are you based? I work for Nottingham City Council, at Loxley House next …

Aiming to gain experience in the sustainability and environmental sector?

Chances are, if you’ve stumbled across this post, you’re already interested in sustainability. You might have considered the impact of your lifestyle, researched in-depth a particular issue through your course or looked to see what the University is doing. For the naysayers and fatalists, check out 10:10 for some inspiration. Your time at University equips …

Duck density and #beastsofuon

Serena Brown, our new Environmental Officer, introduces herself. As an alumna of UoN and a graduate from the School of Geography, my time at university was incredibly important for shaping my view on my environment and key sustainability issues of the time. The academic side helped to stretch my thinking and approach problems with a …

Career profile: Majid Zeighami

Continuing the series of guest posts from alumni working in the field of sustainability, Majid Zeighami talks about his career path following his Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng. What is your role, how long have you been in it and where are you based? In September 2013, I started my career with Schneider Electric UK&I on …

Career profile: Naghman Khan

First in a series of guest posts from alumni working in the field of sustainability, Naghman Khan talks about his career path. Dr Naghman Khan studied BSc Physics at UCL, MSc Environmental Technology at Imperial College then came to The University of Nottingham for his PhD and Post Doc. What is your role, how long have you …