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A fond farewell to Spain

So, after my time in Valencia, 2 weeks working on Summer Schools at UoN and one afternoon spent moving my stuff from my house in Nottingham back home, I spent a night at home and then jetted off to Madrid! I arrived eager to start the next part of my Year Abroad although was also …

This city has not failed to impress me every single day

So it has been three months since I arrived in Seville but the discoveries never seem to cease. This city has not failed to impress me every single day, from the grandeur of the architecture on my scenic route to work, to the genuine kindness of its inhabitants. When I first arrived I was hit …

The Beauty, The Chaos and The Life Changing Experiences…

Post by Anandeep Sandhu My first impressions and thoughts that crossed my mind as I arrived in Granada, Spain to start my year abroad was everything this incredible place had to offer. This came in the form of the rich Andalusian culture, flamenco music, deep rooted Islamic history leaving behind its remnants across the city… …

Feeling immediately like a local in Southern Spain

Stepping out of the Ryan Air plane onto the warm Southern Spanish terrain was a welcoming assurance of the summery climate we would be living in! We caught a taxi from Jerez to Cádiz crossing the bridge and heading down the long strip of flats and shops which eventually lead to the walled ‘Casco Antiguo’ …

Becoming more fluent in Salamanca

I’ve now been in Salamanca, Spain for roughly nine weeks, and I’m already halfway through the Spain part of my year abroad, which is pretty scary. Time has gone really quickly, and it feels just yesterday that I arrived! Arriving in mid-August, the heat was unbearable. I spent a few days in a hostel when …

Beachfront happiness in Spain

Post written by Charlotte Hickson I flew out to Barbate, Cadiz, Spain on the 23rd of September accompanied by my mother for some assistance on finding accommodation and settling in. I was initially, and quite naturally, very apprehensive about what my first impressions of the school, area, people, and accommodation (when/if I found somewhere to …