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The French love a good protest

When setting off from the UK to France, I was aware, as I think all Brits are, that the French love a good manif (protest) or a good strike. The stereotype is that they love anything that will allow them to fill the streets and to voice their dismay at something. Since living in Paris I …

Thinking like a Frenchie

Salut! How quickly have these past few months gone? I can’t believe I’ve been here for almost 5 months now… 5 months!!! That means I’m almost half way through my year abroad… they do say time flies when you’re having fun. For Christmas, I received a wonderful little book called ‘112 Gripes about the French’ …

Learning to relax and converse with the French

I’ve been working as a language assistant in Lannion for 4 months now, and I’ve finally worked out a comfortable routine for life in France. That doesn’t mean, however, that I’ve not encountered any distinct differences between England and France, which have taken time to both understand and adapt to. Perhaps the most prominent is …

The ‘joie de vivre’ is all it was expected to be

Post written by Bethany Shutt. Living in a whole new country that you’re not used to and where everyone speaks a different language to you is hard enough, not to mention all the other cultural challenges that come with it! Living in France since September has certainly been a pleasurable experience, with the ‘joie de …

Corsica – the culture is neither entirely French or Italian

Post written by Josephine Adams. Whether we realise it or not, we all expect to have to conform to the culture of the places that we are used to, and are innately aware of when and how to greet people, thank them and know how to act. Somehow, the cultural make-up of countries is unique, …

French football matches are actually much better

It has been strange since I’ve started working here, and I do miss all the friends I made at the business school, however working has allowed me to hang out with ‘THE REAL BORDELAIS’ instead of students, who are (let’s face it) all from Paris and its suburbs. It is a little like how everyone …

Adjusting to France’s overwhelming conviction that theirs in the best country in the world

Post written by Georgie Suttie. I am now well into my 2nd term in Metz, and really enjoying myself. I will really miss France when I leave; the amazing baguettes, the cheese, the cheap wine, and the relaxed way of life here. I have settled into a daily routine, and this city now feels very …

I was trying to be funny, but they just thought I was rude

I’m living less than 300 miles from my home in England; Nottingham is almost as far from my home as Paris so I wasn’t expecting to find many, if any, cultural challenges. However as the months here have passed I’ve really realised that there is a fairly big difference between English culture and French culture, …

French admin…my biggest challenge

There have been a fair few cultural challenges to face up to so far on my Year Abroad in Paris, but they’re all part of the experience in the end, so I’m not going to complain. The language barrier is first and foremost in my mind. Having to speak French on tap is quite draining …

When in doubt, copy what the natives do

Post written by Matt Watts. So, the Christmas holidays are over and it’s back to work now! I’m still enjoying the job but also looking forward to doing something different in Brazil over the summer! I think I’ve adapted to life over here in France now and have also noticed some cultural differences, as per …