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Lisbon – focusing on what needs focusing on

Post written by Sidi El Alami Hot, loud and vibrant. Arriving in the Bairro Alto district of Lisbon on Friday the 20th of September proved instantly a shock to the system. I had gone from the quiet, middle-class suburbia of the south-east of England to a Portuguese culture hotspot. Many tourists from around the world …

Bangkok, Arrival and Week One

It’s been a long week, and it’s not even over yet! It started on Monday, right after a weekend in Bangkok (which was fantastic by the way – Thai cooking classes, night bike tour through the old city and temples, floating markets…). I got up before the crack of dawn on Monday to get myself …

Settling in.

So I’ve been on campus for three days now, and there’s been a whole lot to get used to. I was met just before the immigration desks by the most upbeat person I think I’ve ever encountered (which I was pretty impressed by – he’d spent the last 8 hours waiting in the airport for …

Past, present and future

It’s been three years since I stood in the room I grew up in, halfway through the process of packing up my life to go to university for the first time. No matter the amount of preparation that goes on – hoarding piles of brochures with smiling students, three separate lists of “what to pack for …


So, I’ve now (already!) completed the first part of my Year Abroad. I spent 3 weeks in Valencia studying Spanish at AIP Languages School and during this time I stayed with a Spanish family in a town called Alboraya, just on the outskirts of Valencia. I thoroughly enjoyed both studying in the school and also …

My Year Abroad: My Expectations, Hopes and Fears

It’s revision and exam time but there is light at the end of the tunnel: the Year Abroad. I’ll be starting mine in a month’s time and I’m starting to feel a little nervous! Here’s a brief plan of what I’m doing: Studying in a language school in Valencia – June/July Working in Madrid teaching …

Tapas in the staffroom

Having coaxed our first words of Spanish from us only 2 years ago, the university has thrown me and my course mates to sink or swim into the big ponds of Spain and Latin America. The year abroad team call it “A big adventure,” but I’ve been feeling a bit more apprehensive and, risking sounding …