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Cultural differences are what makes living abroad such a unique experience

When living abroad it is hard to escape noticing the cultural differences that exist between your own country and the way of life you’re used to living, and the one you now reside in and the new norms and ‘rules’ you are to abide to. And whilst still living in Europe this may not be …

The ‘jeitinho brasileiro’

Post written by Ben West. Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil So, 1 week into my study placement in Brazil, and I have already learned so much about the culture here. I can’t write about everything – the fact that everywhere you go there is grass and trees and fruit and building works and very few …

The Spanish…they’re noisy but refreshingly relaxed

Just over 2 hours away from the UK lies Spain; familiar, sunny and an obvious tourist destination for many Brits. I always thought I knew Spain and its culture quite well after various holidays here as well as studying it throughout school and university. However it has only been since living here for a prolonged …

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The challenge of vegetarianism in France

During my time in France, I came across a number of cultural challenges. For example, I discovered that the French really do not share the English sense of humour. This resulted in many embarrassing situations where I seemed inadvertently to offend people (note to self: never use sarcasm in France) or to get into a …

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Napping in Spain…that’s a challenge

Post written by Madeleine Pitkin. I’ve been in Spain for more than four months now and so I presume I’m as settled in as I ever will be. However, there are some cultural differences which continue to challenge me every day! One first big cultural challenge is the siesta, or afternoon nap time. Between the …

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Becoming Addicted to Peru

When talking about going away to Peru for 5 months, people would remark as if it were another world that was so far away, so challenging and so different to anywhere else.  But I love to explore new places I am unfamiliar with and like to think I am fairly culturally aware. I soon found …

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Many of the stereotypes English people have about the French are stereotypes for a reason

Post written by Bethan Roberts. Salut! As it is nearing the end of January I am over half way through my Language Assistant placement in Chambéry. There are some things I really like about living in France (croissants and cheese are the obvious candidates!) and some aspects I just have to tolerate, in true British …

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Falling in love with each and every custom

Post written by Rebecca Wright. Though still in Europe, the Balkans can feel a long way from home. Cultural differences can appear minute at first glance, but after spending more than a few days in the region, the differences can be striking. Generally people’s attitudes towards their lifestyle and their country can be dramatically different …

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Feeling at home away from home…

The truth is that I really feel at home here in Catalonia, so the expression cultural challenge may be a bit strong. Although this might seem silly, after having lived a few months in Barcelona, I am convinced that the smallest details are the ones that make you feel at home or not, and in …

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Spanish culture is making me more relaxed

Luckily I have not experienced an enormous amount of times when I have felt frustrated with the culture and ready to pack my bags to head home. I am thoroughly enjoying my time here and I feel I have adapted well to the cultural changes, most probably because I love the relaxed way of Spanish …

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