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Learning to relax and converse with the French

I’ve been working as a language assistant in Lannion for 4 months now, and I’ve finally worked out a comfortable routine for life in France. That doesn’t mean, however, that I’ve not encountered any distinct differences between England and France, which have taken time to both understand and adapt to. Perhaps the most prominent is …

Even the dogs have siestas!

Post written by Faith Locken. When choosing where to go for the first half of my year abroad, I purposefully picked Spain because I wanted somewhere that wouldn’t have so much of a cultural difference from England, especially as my second half would be in China. However as the last six months have proved, there …

The ‘joie de vivre’ is all it was expected to be

Post written by Bethany Shutt. Living in a whole new country that you’re not used to and where everyone speaks a different language to you is hard enough, not to mention all the other cultural challenges that come with it! Living in France since September has certainly been a pleasurable experience, with the ‘joie de …

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I learnt how to accept these cultural challenges as just another part of Spanish life

Post written by Matthew Walters. Whilst you are abroad there are many cultural differences you must become accustomed to. Even though Spain is in the European Union and is just a two-hour flight away, there are still major differences in all aspects such as politeness and customer service, behaviour, punctuality, and even little things like …

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Corsica – the culture is neither entirely French or Italian

Post written by Josephine Adams. Whether we realise it or not, we all expect to have to conform to the culture of the places that we are used to, and are innately aware of when and how to greet people, thank them and know how to act. Somehow, the cultural make-up of countries is unique, …

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French football matches are actually much better

It has been strange since I’ve started working here, and I do miss all the friends I made at the business school, however working has allowed me to hang out with ‘THE REAL BORDELAIS’ instead of students, who are (let’s face it) all from Paris and its suburbs. It is a little like how everyone …

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Illustrating some cultural difference through some funny exemplary stories

Coming from Switzerland, where the culture is highly influenced by both Austria and Germany, Vienna did not present any obvious cultural challenges. “Obvious” cultural challenges must be emphasised, because as it is the case in every new country and city, I was soon confronted to those more subtle cultural differences… And what better way to …

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Adapting to traditional Spanish meal times

Soon after I arrived in Granada, Spain I slowly found myself being struck with some of the differences between my life back home in England to this new Spanish lifestyle I was about to experience. Before I came here I knew about the more obvious differences such as with the meal times and that the …

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Why is everyone asleep when I want to go shopping?!

Post written by Georgia Brookes. It is February 2014 and I am one week away from leaving Cádiz in Southern Spain forever; the setting of the first half of my Year Abroad. Although at first I found the Andalucían accent next to impossible to understand, and the people rather rude and candid, as time progressed …

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Adjusting to France’s overwhelming conviction that theirs in the best country in the world

Post written by Georgie Suttie. I am now well into my 2nd term in Metz, and really enjoying myself. I will really miss France when I leave; the amazing baguettes, the cheese, the cheap wine, and the relaxed way of life here. I have settled into a daily routine, and this city now feels very …

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