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A Random List of Things I’ll Pack for Uni: 

The hardest yet most exciting part about moving to university is packing for yourself. It could get especially challenging for international students because they have more things to adapt to. But you will be glad to know that you learn to find replacements and make do without many luxuries while exploring what student life has …

What to Pack for University

The big question everyone has before moving out for the first time: what do I pack? Before coming to university, I read so many articles and watched so many youtube videos about this exact topic. The truth is that your packing list will be very unique to YOU. You need to consider what are some …

REMEMBER to do this before you leave for Winter break

LOCK your windows, your doors, your drawers, your little notepads with their tiny silver padlocks. IGNORE if you want to be burgled/have your secrets read.   BID farewell to those you live with. WISH them a merry Christmas, if you are still fond of their personalities.   EAT all of the nonsense inside of your …