Ways to Save Money at University
April 29, 2017
Budget: Simple but it works. Work out how much money you have to spend on accommodation, food, uni supplies, entertainment etc and stick to it. Give yourself an allowance to stop yourself falling into a cycle of drifting in and out of your over draft, it will save you the stress of being broke as …
How to live the ‘not-so-broke’ student life
March 27, 2017
If you ask someone what they want most out of life, you’ll get a whole variety of answers. Love. Happiness. Education. Travel. But if you ask a university student what we want most out of our lives (as of right now, at least) and we’ll all say the same thing; money. Whether you’re saving for …
5 Reasons I Love My Job
March 24, 2014
I’m sure you’ve seen them running around on campus the past few Wednesdays and ocasionally Saturdays in fluorescent green t-shirts and smiling faces. I am one of these people and I love my job. I am a student ambassador for the university. What that means is that I get to help out the university’s marketing & …