Your Guide to the Student Union
August 24, 2023
You may have heard a bit about the student union before you come to university, but you might not have a great understanding of what they are or what they do. This blog post serves to give you some information about the University of Nottingham’s Student Union and how it can support you during your …
Sustainability Week: How to be a more Sustainable Student
March 1, 2020
Tomorrow marks the beginning of University of Nottingham’s Sustainability week. From University Mental Health Day to Advocate Magazine launch, this upcoming week promises to cover all aspects of Sustainability. News about climate change and evidence of our detrimental impact on the environment can often leave you wondering, what could I possibly do to be more …
SU Elections.. What’s the big deal?
March 10, 2016
You’ve probably all seen the colourful banners draped around unsuspecting University Park trees. The catchy campaign slogans. The swarm of people trying to talk to you about policies and maybe slip you a cheeky piece of chocolate or photobomb the Crisis photo booth. It’s campaign week for the Student Union elections and as we reach …
I will never be a bartender
February 1, 2015
Sheldon: I’ll have a Virgin Cuba Libre. Penny: That’s, um, Rum and Coke without the rum. So Coke. There’s a can in the fridge. Sheldon: A Cuba Libre traditionally comes in a tall glass with a lime wedge. Penny: (sarcastically) Then swim to Cuba. Sheldon: Bartenders are supposed to have people skills. (Big Bang Theory) Last week was …