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The Introvert’s Guide to Surviving University

  We all grow up with fantasies about the world that slowly disappear as we get older. A perfect university experience is one of those dreams. A year ago, peering into this chapter of my life from the safety of home, I had high hopes for what everyday life at uni would be like. Little …

Will You Be My Valentine?

Lovesick, love-struck, or loveless? Valentine’s Day brings about all kinds of emotions: excitement, gratitude, sadness, maybe even disgust. We all have a different opinion on the day, and all deal with it accordingly. Whether you’re like me and are a cold-hearted love hater turned soppy, hopeless romantic or just appreciate the day because of the …

The National Student Survey 2017

What is the survey? “The survey is made up of 27 questions covering things such as the teaching on your course, assessment and feedback, academic support, learning resources, the Students’ Union and your overall satisfaction.“ –   Aimed at undergraduate students in final year –   Takes around 10 minutes –   Multiple choice questions –   Opinion box at …

Books every university student should read

For some of us, there isn’t much that rivals the feeling of cozying up with a good book on a winter’s day. After all, what better way to escape the cold than to jump into a whole other world! Here are, in my humble opinion, 3 books that I truly believe will change your life …

How To Make This Year Better Than The Last

Christmas has passed us and January has arrived, along with countless new years resolutions just waiting to be broken and dark, rainy days that tempt you to hit the snooze button for the 7th time. I feel as though the new year tempts a lot of people (myself included) into wanting to make drastic lifestyle …

Driving Home for Christmas

Now, don’t get me wrong: I am having the time of my life at university. However, having experienced by first 12 week term(!!!) here, I well and truly am ready to get on the first train home. University life is great but, something which I and several other people I have talked to have realised …

Candid Confessions of a Medical Student

As someone who spends an unhealthy amount of time on the internet, I think it’s safe for me to say that there aren’t a lot of blogs that highlight the everyday ups and downs of being a medical student.   Disclaimer: I’ve only been here 2 months. In the world of medical education, I’m still …

What I wish I knew about leaving home for the first time

Having spent the last 18 years of my life in the same city, I was undoubtedly excited to move to Nottingham to pursue my dream degree. As an international student, 4500 miles away from home, I couldn’t wait for the changes that this move would bring. Don’t get me wrong, I love Dubai. It’s a …

How do I run a society?

So you’ve either got a society, thinking of making a society, or you’re just curious to find out what the ‘behind the scenes’ of a university society looks like. Well, look no further! I’m the president of the Contemporary China society and I’m going to give you a couple of my tips or things I’ve …

What I Wish I Knew Before I Started House Hunting

As I sat in the library typing this blog post, I couldn’t help but overhear a group of first-year students discussing their housing plans. I felt a sudden sense of nostalgia as I thought back to two years ago when I made the most adult decision of my life so far — I (together with …