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London and Library Times

The thick of revision has really started now, there’s an overwhelming atmosphere of stress, worry and all-nighters over UoN and Hallward Library feels very much like rush-hour on the London Underground; scrambles for seats, hordes of people bunched up and spilling out over personal boundaries, snappy remarks, grumpy faces, coughs and colds and perfecting the …

Beware Reverse Culture Shock

Hey all, So yes, the winter freeze of the UK has finally hit – which saw endless snowfall on Saturday, and seems be threatening again this evening – eeeek! I got a beautiful snap of the snowflakes from my skylight window… But I must admit that the cold weather, while beautiful, does make me hark …

Surreal(ity) Shock

Surreal. The word that best sums up my last week; I never really considered experiencing reverse culture shock, but I most definitely have. What is interesting is that it’s not necessarily British culture I am struggling with, more British student culture which is so significantly and yet subtly different that it takes some readjusting to. …